And The Adventure Begins!

Well, I did it! I got on an airplane with just my backpack, flew to Mexico, and started my adventure. I am still in slight disbelief that I have actually started my trip. In all honesty, the two weeks leading up to my departure date, I was dreading it. The day before my trip, I constantly felt like I was going to throw up or cry, or both. There was so much fear about leaving everything that I know and traveling solo to a part of the world where I know no one and do not speak the language. Talk about guilt – after all of this planning and dreaming, I could not muster an ounce of excitement. All I kept telling myself was, “Just make it to your hostel. Just make it to your hostel.” Surprisingly, once I got through the security check at the airport, a calm overtook me. Maybe it was not excitement, but calm is definitely preferred over fear and nausea. Even more surprisingly, that calm remained with me throughout my flight to Cancun, finding my bus at the airport, the drive to Playa del Carmen, and the walk to my hostel. It was an odd feeling, but it felt almost natural and familiar to be traveling. Having found my hostel and meeting my goal for the day, I celebrated with a beer and a hot shower(!) and an early night.

So now what? That is the question that has been on my mind since I woke up this morning. Though traveling here was quite smooth, there are plenty of aspects that are making my trip uncomfortable for the moment – traveling solo instead of with others, not speaking the language, never having traveled as a backpacker before. It is all new and I am uncertain about EVERYTHING. I expected this but the uncertainty is pretty crippling.

Instead of stressing about it, I decided to enjoy the moment. I am staying at a clean and comfortable hostel so I will be relaxing here for most of the day; enjoying the rooftop deck and probably taking a nap. Today’s challenge is to wander around and find a delicious place for dinner. Wish me luck!